A Basic Tutorial with Movielens 100K

FMs perform remarkably well on datasets with huge and sparse feature matrices, and the most common examples are (explicit) collaborative filtering tasks.

Let us examine the power of the Bayesian Factorization Machines by testing a series of APIs in myFM using the well-known Movielens 100k dataset.

Pure Matrix Factorization

First let us consider the probabilistic Matrix Factorization. That is, we model the user \(u\)’s rating response to movie \(i\), which we write \(r_{ui}\), as

\[r_{ui} \sim w_0 + b_u + d_i + \vec{u}_u \cdot \vec{v}_j\]

This formulation is equivalent to Factorization Machines with

  1. User IDs treated as a categorical feature with one-hot encoding

  2. Movie IDs treated as a categorical feature with one-hot encoding

So you can efficiently use encoder like sklearn’s OneHotEncoder to prepare the input matrix.

import numpy as np
from sklearn.preprocessing import MultiLabelBinarizer, OneHotEncoder
from sklearn import metrics

import myfm
from myfm.utils.benchmark_data import MovieLens100kDataManager

FM_RANK = 10

data_manager = MovieLens100kDataManager()
df_train, df_test = data_manager.load_rating_predefined_split(fold=3)

FEATURE_COLUMNS = ['user_id', 'movie_id']
ohe = OneHotEncoder(handle_unknown='ignore')

X_train = ohe.fit_transform(df_train[FEATURE_COLUMNS])
X_test = ohe.transform(df_test[FEATURE_COLUMNS])
y_train = df_train.rating.values
y_test = df_test.rating.values

fm = myfm.MyFMRegressor(rank=FM_RANK, random_seed=42)
fm.fit(X_train, y_train, n_iter=200, n_kept_samples=200)

prediction = fm.predict(X_test)
rmse = ((y_test - prediction) ** 2).mean() ** .5
mae = np.abs(y_test - prediction).mean()
print(f'rmse={rmse}, mae={mae}')

The above script should give you RMSE=0.8944, MAE=0.7031 which is already impressive compared with other recent methods.

Assuming Separate Variance for movie & user

In Probabilistic Matrix Factorization, we usually assume user vectors and item vectors are drawn from separate normal priors:

\[\begin{split}u_i & \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu_U, \Sigma_U) \\ v_i & \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu_I, \Sigma_I)\end{split}\]

However, we haven’t provided any information about which columns are users’ and items’.

You can tell myfm.MyFMRegressor these information (i.e., which parameters share a common mean and variance) by group_shapes option:

fm_grouped = myfm.MyFMRegressor(
    rank=FM_RANK, random_seed=42,
    X_train, y_train, n_iter=200, n_kept_samples=200,
    group_shapes=[len(group) for group in ohe.categories_]

prediction_grouped = fm_grouped.predict(X_test)
rmse = ((y_test - prediction_grouped) ** 2).mean() ** .5
mae = np.abs(y_test - prediction_grouped).mean()
print(f'rmse={rmse}, mae={mae}')

This will slightly improve the performance to RMSE=0.8925, MAE=0.7001.

Adding Side information

It is straightforward to include user/item side information.

First we retrieve the side information from Movielens100kDataManager:

user_info = data_manager.load_user_info().set_index('user_id')
user_info["age"] = user_info.age // 5 * 5
user_info["zipcode"] = user_info.zipcode.str[0]
user_info_ohe = OneHotEncoder(handle_unknown='ignore').fit(user_info)

movie_info = data_manager.load_movie_info().set_index('movie_id')
movie_info['release_year'] = [
    str(x) for x in movie_info['release_date'].dt.year.fillna('NaN')
movie_info = movie_info[['release_year', 'genres']]
movie_info_ohe = OneHotEncoder(handle_unknown='ignore').fit(movie_info[['release_year']])
movie_genre_mle = MultiLabelBinarizer(sparse_output=True).fit(
    movie_info.genres.apply(lambda x: x.split('|'))

Note that the way movie genre information is represented in movie_info DataFrame is a bit tricky (it is already binary encoded).

We can then augment X_train / X_test with auxiliary information. The hstack function of scipy.sparse is very convenient for this purpose:

import scipy.sparse as sps
X_train_extended = sps.hstack([
        movie_info.genres.reindex(df_train.movie_id).apply(lambda x: x.split('|'))

X_test_extended = sps.hstack([
        movie_info.genres.reindex(df_test.movie_id).apply(lambda x: x.split('|'))

Then we can regress X_train_extended against y_train

group_shapes_extended = (
    [len(group) for group in ohe.categories_] +
    [len(group) for group in user_info_ohe.categories_] +
    [len(group) for group in movie_info_ohe.categories_] +
    [ len(movie_genre_mle.classes_)]

fm_side_info = myfm.MyFMRegressor(
    rank=FM_RANK, random_seed=42,
    X_train_extended, y_train, n_iter=200, n_kept_samples=200,

prediction_side_info = fm_side_info.predict(X_test_extended)
rmse = ((y_test - prediction_side_info) ** 2).mean() ** .5
mae = np.abs(y_test - prediction_side_info).mean()
print(f'rmse={rmse}, mae={mae}')

The result should improve further with RMSE = 0.8855, MAE = 0.6944.

Unfortunately, the running time is somewhat (~ 4 times) slower compared to the pure matrix-factorization described above. This is as it should be: the complexity of Bayesian FMs is proportional to \(O(\mathrm{NNZ})\) (i.e., non-zero elements of input sparse matrix), and we have incorporated various non-zero elements (user/item features) for each row.

Surprisingly, we can still train the equivalent model in a running time close to pure MF if represent the data in Relational Data Format. See next section for how Relational Data Format works.