TimeSVD++ Flipped with Relation Blocks

As mentioned in the Movielens example, the complexity of Bayesian FMs is proportional to \(O(\mathrm{NNZ})\). This is especially troublesome when we include SVD++-like features in the feature matrix. In such a case, for each user, we include all of the item IDs that the user had interacted with, and the complexity grows further by a factor of \(O(\mathrm{NNZ} / N_U)\).

However, we can get away with this catastrophic complexity if we notice the repeated pattern in the input matrix. Interested readers can refer to [Rendle, ‘13] and libFM’s Manual for details.

Below let us see how we can incorporate SVD++-like features efficiently using the relational data again using Movielens 100K dataset.

Building SVD++ Features

In [Rendle, et al., ‘19], in addition to the user/movie id, they have made use of the following features to improve the accuracy considerably:

  1. User Implicit Features: All the movies the user had watched

  2. Movie Implicit Features: All the users who have watched the movie

  3. Time Variable: The day of watch event (regarded as a categorical variable)

Let us construct these features.

from collections import defaultdict
import numpy as np
from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder
from sklearn import metrics
import myfm
from myfm import RelationBlock
from scipy import sparse as sps

from myfm.utils.benchmark_data import MovieLens100kDataManager

data_manager = MovieLens100kDataManager()

# fold 1 is the toughest one
df_train, df_test = data_manager.load_rating_predefined_split(fold=1)

date_ohe = OneHotEncoder(handle_unknown='ignore').fit(
    df_train.timestamp.dt.date.values.reshape(-1, 1)
def categorize_date(df):
    return date_ohe.transform(df.timestamp.dt.date.values[:, np.newaxis])

# index "0" is reserved for unknown ids.
user_to_index = defaultdict(lambda : 0, { uid: i+1 for i,uid in enumerate(np.unique(df_train.user_id)) })
movie_to_index = defaultdict(lambda: 0, { mid: i+1 for i,mid in enumerate(np.unique(df_train.movie_id))})
USER_ID_SIZE = len(user_to_index) + 1
MOVIE_ID_SIZE = len(movie_to_index) + 1

Above we constructed dictionaries which map user/movie id to the corresponding indices. We have preserved the index ‘’0’’ for ‘’Unknown’’ user/movies, respectively.

To do the feature-engineering stated above, we have to memoize which users/movies had interactions with which movies/users.

# The flags to control the included features.
use_date = True # use date info or not
use_iu = True # use implicit user feature
use_ii = True # use implicit item feature

movie_vs_watched = dict()
user_vs_watched = dict()
for row in df_train.itertuples():
    user_id = row.user_id
    movie_id = row.movie_id
    movie_vs_watched.setdefault(movie_id, list()).append(user_id)
    user_vs_watched.setdefault(user_id, list()).append(movie_id)

if use_date:
    X_date_train = categorize_date(df_train)
    X_date_test  = categorize_date(df_test)
    X_date_train, X_date_test = (None, None)

We can then define functions which maps a list of user/movie ids to the features represented in sparse matrix format:

# given user/movie ids, add additional infos and return it as sparse
def augment_user_id(user_ids):
    Xs = []
    X_uid = sps.lil_matrix((len(user_ids), USER_ID_SIZE))
    for index, user_id in enumerate(user_ids):
        X_uid[index, user_to_index[user_id]] = 1
    if use_iu:
        X_iu = sps.lil_matrix((len(user_ids), MOVIE_ID_SIZE))
        for index, user_id in enumerate(user_ids):
            watched_movies = user_vs_watched.get(user_id, [])
            normalizer = 1 / max(len(watched_movies), 1) ** 0.5
            for uid in watched_movies:
                X_iu[index, movie_to_index[uid]] = normalizer
    return sps.hstack(Xs, format='csr')

def augment_movie_id(movie_ids):
    Xs = []
    X_movie = sps.lil_matrix((len(movie_ids), MOVIE_ID_SIZE))
    for index, movie_id in enumerate(movie_ids):
        X_movie[index, movie_to_index[movie_id]] = 1

    if use_ii:
        X_ii = sps.lil_matrix((len(movie_ids), USER_ID_SIZE))
        for index, movie_id in enumerate(movie_ids):
            watched_users = movie_vs_watched.get(movie_id, [])
            normalizer = 1 / max(len(watched_users), 1) ** 0.5
            for uid in watched_users:
                X_ii[index, user_to_index[uid]] = normalizer

    return sps.hstack(Xs, format='csr')

A naive way

We now setup the problem in a non-relational way:

train_uid_unique, train_uid_index = np.unique(df_train.user_id, return_inverse=True)
train_mid_unique, train_mid_index = np.unique(df_train.movie_id, return_inverse=True)
user_data_train = augment_user_id(train_uid_unique)
movie_data_train = augment_movie_id(train_mid_unique)

test_uid_unique, test_uid_index = np.unique(df_test.user_id, return_inverse=True)
test_mid_unique, test_mid_index = np.unique(df_test.movie_id, return_inverse=True)
user_data_test = augment_user_id(test_uid_unique)
movie_data_test = augment_movie_id(test_mid_unique)

X_train_naive = sps.hstack([

X_test_naive = sps.hstack([

fm_naive = myfm.MyFMRegressor(rank=10).fit(X_train_naive, df_train.rating, n_iter=3, n_kept_samples=3)

In my environment, it takes ~ 2s per iteration, which is much slower than pure MF example.

The problem formulation with RelationBlock.

In the above code, we have already seen a hint to optimize the performance. The line


says that each row of the sparse matrix user_data_train appears many times, and we will compute the same combination of factors repeatedly.

The role of myfm.RelationBlock is to tell such a repeated pattern explicitly so that we can drastically reduce the complexity.

block_user_train = RelationBlock(train_uid_index, user_data_train)
block_movie_train = RelationBlock(train_mid_index, movie_data_train)
block_user_test = RelationBlock(test_uid_index, user_data_test)
block_movie_test = RelationBlock(test_mid_index, movie_data_test)

We can now feed these blocks into myfm.MyFMRegressor.fit() by

fm_rb = myfm.MyFMRegressor(rank=10).fit(
    X_date_train, df_train.rating,
    X_rel=[block_user_train, block_movie_train],
    n_iter=300, n_kept_samples=300

Note that we cannot express X_date_train as a relation block and we have supplied such a non-repeated data for the first argument. This time, the speed is 20 iters / s, almost 40x speed up compared to the naive version. This is also much faster than e.g., Surprise’s implementation of SVD++.

What the relation format does is to reorganize the computation, but the result should be the same up to floating point artifacts:

for i in range(3):
    sample_naive = fm_naive.w_samples[i]
    sample_rb = fm_rb.w_samples[i]
    assert(np.max(np.abs(sample_naive - sample_rb)) < 1e-5)
    # should print tiny numbers

The resulting performance measures are RMSE=0.889, MAE=0.7000 :

test_prediction = fm_rb.predict(
    X_rel=[block_user_test, block_user_test]
rmse = ((df_test.rating.values - test_prediction) ** 2).mean() ** 0.5
mae = np.abs(df_test.rating.values - test_prediction).mean()
print(f'rmse={rmse}, mae={mae}')

Note that we still haven’t exploited all the available ingredients such as user/item side-information and grouping of the input variables. See also examples notebooks & scripts for further improved results.